ok maybe root beer is not canadian, but it's canada for me.
so many smartass blogging guide out there, but what about commenting? nobody has ever written a How To Comment guide as far as i know (let me know if you know of any) but guys if posts are the structural core and essence of a bog, comments are its vital lymph. a blog with no comments goes nowhere, it doesn't make the point.
comments must be short and smart, must go directly to the point, must be a positive addition to the post. they bring the dialogue (and the blog) to life. but there is a major difference between a post and a comment. when you write an entry, you are alone in front of your audience, but it always takes two people to write a comment, you and the blogger.
a post of the "woke up at 9 washed the car got a 90% on the math test" will never bring any quality comment. all you can get will be "hey i'm happy for your math score" while clearly the commenter doesn't give a fuck about your math test and the comment is emptt, stupid and useless by itself. but it's not the commenter's fault.
if you are a blogger, give them some quality posting, some issues to think about, some smartass posts. it's your goal to put your audience in a position for sane commenting. if you are a commenter, just refrain from commenting useless and boring posts, but kick the blogger's ass when the post deserves it!
if you want to know what i'm talking about, take aiRah or Cap'n Dyke. they rock when they comment.
so you know what? help me in my struggle for quality commenting. get this
button or whatever other similar button you come up to and put it in your blog and link it to this post or a similar post you will write and spread the world. i spoke.
btw, wanna know if your blog is good? check the comments you get out, before you give any importance to shit like technocrati
so many smartass blogging guide out there, but what about commenting? nobody has ever written a How To Comment guide as far as i know (let me know if you know of any) but guys if posts are the structural core and essence of a bog, comments are its vital lymph. a blog with no comments goes nowhere, it doesn't make the point.
comments must be short and smart, must go directly to the point, must be a positive addition to the post. they bring the dialogue (and the blog) to life. but there is a major difference between a post and a comment. when you write an entry, you are alone in front of your audience, but it always takes two people to write a comment, you and the blogger.
a post of the "woke up at 9 washed the car got a 90% on the math test" will never bring any quality comment. all you can get will be "hey i'm happy for your math score" while clearly the commenter doesn't give a fuck about your math test and the comment is emptt, stupid and useless by itself. but it's not the commenter's fault.
if you are a blogger, give them some quality posting, some issues to think about, some smartass posts. it's your goal to put your audience in a position for sane commenting. if you are a commenter, just refrain from commenting useless and boring posts, but kick the blogger's ass when the post deserves it!
if you want to know what i'm talking about, take aiRah or Cap'n Dyke. they rock when they comment.
so you know what? help me in my struggle for quality commenting. get this

btw, wanna know if your blog is good? check the comments you get out, before you give any importance to shit like technocrati