
that's me this morning, the glasses meaning _hangover_
yesterday i gave the finger to a girl. she totally deserved it even though it wasn't the best thing to do.
the whole thing is that i approached her and her two friends with morten and as soon as i told her my name she started bitching about my age like -what are u from high school? how old are u 18??- and if she does it once i don't give a shit but if she keeps it up for like half an hour acting like she's better then me just because she's older that pisses me off. so i asked her for her age and she told me she was 25 and even wanted to show me her ID to prove it like it's such an important thing the day you were born and just kept acting like u know the classic cheerleader bitch that thinks she's hot and cool and better then anybody else
yeah it wasn't the best thing to do to give her the finger. it would've been a lot cooler to like look at her straight in her eyes with a face with no expression in such a composed and confident way and tell her off by saying shit like -listen, baby, your ID may even say you are 28 but u look like 23 and act like 16 and if my age is such an issue for u then u can walk right off my vision- and turn around and walk away and start dancing very close to any other girl...
well it ended up that she and her other two friends danced alone all night.
and then i was totally confused in one moment. i was dancing with 4 girls, marie from france, geshen from germany, iza and another one (but i don't remember the name of this last one) both from poland, all of whom liked me somehow and all of whom i liked and i didn't know what to do so first i looked for olivier if he could take away any two girls from me but i couldn't see him anywere so i run away.