hahaha karaoke is the FUNNIEREST thing ever!
especially after a few beers and a wodka. and even more if you get offered all of them...
so this is bigos:

bigos is to poland what pasta is to italy, with a couple of differences:
it takes ages to prepare bigos, while 20 minutes are more then enough for pasta and a good sauce;
bigos looks like vomit.
if you ever get to visit poland close your eyes and eat it.
for the guys out there, this is how it works with girls (given that they are interested in you):
you tell them
they reply
the day after if you are lucky you'll get an sms stating that they are sorry but really can't make it and maybe you can do it next week, or you might just not get any sign at all until 2 days later.
you tell them
they say
and the day after you play your date.
especially after a few beers and a wodka. and even more if you get offered all of them...
so this is bigos:

bigos is to poland what pasta is to italy, with a couple of differences:
it takes ages to prepare bigos, while 20 minutes are more then enough for pasta and a good sauce;
bigos looks like vomit.
if you ever get to visit poland close your eyes and eat it.
for the guys out there, this is how it works with girls (given that they are interested in you):
you tell them
why don't we meet tomorrow for a coffe or something?
they reply
i'd love to, i have lots of things to do tomorrow but i'll try to find some time, i'll let u know ok?
the day after if you are lucky you'll get an sms stating that they are sorry but really can't make it and maybe you can do it next week, or you might just not get any sign at all until 2 days later.
you tell them
i have a plan for you tomorrow, we meet at 7 in front of xxx for a coffe, then go to yyy for dinner and end the night in zzz club.
they say
ok nice
and the day after you play your date.