
i'm dropping blogmad and despair.nu. it's just shit.
sure, at first i was all excited i was like great idea u visit my site i visit yours we exchange comments we are all happy because others actually read our blogs and make comments... well forget it. people use blogmad just because one blog u visit, one visit u get, but of course i soon realized that people get firefox, open two tabs, open blogmad blog-surf in one and whatever shit they want to actually visit on the other and just pop in blogmad every once in a while to press the button to see next blog and get one more hit.
at least that's what I was doing.
and for the comment thing i felt awful every time i had to comment on somebody. yes because you are COMPELLED to comment on two or three blogs that you do NOT choose. and since only shitty blogs are subscribed to despair.nu and if u tell them they are shit they are all like "who are u to judge my blog" (on which i've already written a post) and they get really annoying and it's like impossible to write any slightly better then average comment... shit i lost my self in this ranting... 'nyway i was trying to say that i'm sick of pretending that their blog is actually interesting (because it's the only way to write a good comment if the blog is pure emptiness) so off u go!
i'm keeping blogexplosion though because there are nice blogs there and i'm thinking about this hosting-other's-blogs-or-something-like-that thing...
plus, i got my revenge on ana last night
she was waiting for me at irish pub but i went out with alina instead and didn't tell her anything and she gave me a ring at 1.30
so maybe next time she'll think a little more before forgetting to invite me on sunday afternoon and telling me instead how great was her day at the beach knowing that i spent it inside working on my project!
the good news is that i proudly am now Cap'n Dyke's Pilot