
girlfriend was away for the weekend and she missed me and i can't wait to see her tonight. we talked on GG about how we met in hi-fi, why she shouldn't be jelaous if other girls look at me, why her friends gave her the best advice ever on that first night and other girly things. i understood that when i'm dancing with my friends and no girl is around us it's because polish guys cut them out, not because they don't want to be close to us.
it somehow pull syou down to know that i won't be able to flirt anymore... it's time for my imagination to make up the best excuses ever and go out without her once or twice a week...
and fuck it's like +7 outside and it's windy and rainy and all wet and there's no heat whatsoever! and we are so lucky because in 7 days (that is, SEVEN FUCKIN' DAYS!) they're cutting out the hot water for the WHOLE MONTH!!
YOU insane hot water people think us poor students can bear anything just because we are too busy partying and studying and partying to complain??