last night, btw, i downloaded a porn [note: the link is not to a porn video, it's to a funny video family-safe really worth it, so click with no fear ;) ]. it was the classic boss-secretary couple, and it lasted about 15 minutes, of which about 3 of speaking and 12 of sex. a couple fo things surprised me...
this time the excuse to fuck was this sentence, by the secretary:
the boss then started kissing and touching her immediately, as we said before, just like he didn't want to fuck her.
the other thing is that her orgasm was the fakest ever. not only she simulated it, which can be considered not so strange, but they even edited the video with some heavy and bad cut and paste to give it some credibility (action that miserably failed in its pourposes).
this time the excuse to fuck was this sentence, by the secretary:
You know, I like you.
You are not like all other bosses, you don't want to fuck your secretary. [ya right...]
I want to fuck you.
the boss then started kissing and touching her immediately, as we said before, just like he didn't want to fuck her.
the other thing is that her orgasm was the fakest ever. not only she simulated it, which can be considered not so strange, but they even edited the video with some heavy and bad cut and paste to give it some credibility (action that miserably failed in its pourposes).