
News from The New Scientist of this week:

A research group located in Gdansk, Poland has supposedly recently come out with the very first example of AI, aka Artificial Intelligence. They claim to have set a device to behave independently from its owner's commands, taking instead decisions on its own after comprehensive analysis of the owner's life and needs. The complicated algorithm (it is said to be more then 100 times as powerful as the world-known Google searching algorithm) showed some weaknesses when it came to establish which of two given options would actually improve the owner's current situation, but this is mainly due to "the profound lack of morality that the entire world undergoes", then to a specific mistake in the code of the device, as the scientists defend themselves.

Said device, a simple mobile phone re-programmed from the research lab, was substituted to the owner's original without him being aware of the experiment. His reactions have been monitored by hidden cameras and microphones. It appears that in the 7-days experiment, such mobile changed the year of it's internal clock to 2008 in order to prevent the owner from setting the alarm to an hour that would certainly not give him enough sleep. As soon as the owner realized and corrected the mistake, a second-level decision was taken and the alarm was simply not set off at any attempt to set it any time before 11.30 am. The second interesting act of the mobile was to eliminate at once and without warning the whole list of contacts, making the owner understand that happiness does not come from the average number of people one is able to meet (and get the number) in a month.

A long road has still to be taken, since this is quite a rudimentary tools, but the enthusiastic research group claims "the first step has been made, since now on we can throw away our SUV and ride a bike since the road will be descending".

While ambientalists protest that SUV's should have never existed at first, more serious doubts come from the international community. The famous magazine Hippies Above The Ground affirms that ever since man invented machines, they have been acting on their own will, quoting in particular the studies of Dr. Murphy. In one of the side-researches that brought him to formulate the famous law
If something can go wrong, it will.

he proved that a machine (i.e. a non-living being built by a human being to facilitate man's labour), even though generally deprived of a will, always knows when it's the best time to stop functioning creating the highest damage possible.
