
if i'm with a girl you don't call me. you just ignore me. U FUCKIN DISAPPEAR!!!
especially if you're a dumbass girl and then u come next to me and smile in that stupid idiot way u only can.
that's twice in a weekend for good old -i feel so- & -i'm not ok' so what with that? and it wasn't even my fault last night.
but why da fuck did u do it twice??? not one, 2!!
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callused
So lost, confused, again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
except i don't feel cheap at all, i feel like somebody fucked me right on the thing that mattered to me the most in that moment and the whole night went to hell.
for those who are wondering what happened last night, i met a girl on the dance floor. dance'n'chat for some 20 minutes or so and then these 3 girlfriends of mine (like they are female friends, not like i'm with them) show up in a place where i would never expect them. nothing bad with that, but i'm with another girl, i glance at them and smile briefly to aknowledge them but at the same time stay cool with the girl i'm with. let 1 minute pass and that bitch holds my arm and wants me to hug and kiss them. like i'm fuckin dancing with somebody, would you just leave me alone? i turn around and the girl is gone. she had a train in a couple of minutes and she had to go and i didn't have time to get her number and i was really liking her shitfuck!
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
i run in the street to try to find her but hell knowd where she is in that crowd.
ok, back in the club, the night is young. i tell my friend that it's much better for everybody if she ignores me since then on and i do believe i was quite clear and firm with that. another girl sees me, smiles and gets closer to me. i move my steps to approach her and in that very moment there they come again, dancing around me this time and smiling at me. and the girl goes away...
now what happened is not that important after all, but it just pisses me off when somebody fucks me like that. is it so hard to understand that if a friend of yours has company, you leave him alone? didn't think so.